Friday, December 9, 2011


As you cross the bridge to enter the city of Porto Novo, the first thing you see are these fishers as shown.  It was a timely reminder from Jehovah why we are here.  Porto Novo has it's own culture, that I am beginning to learn and really like.... except...Yo-vo is the first word I learned in the local language.  You may ask if this is hello, or how are you?  But it's not...  In Gong it means white.  Yup, I always learn this word first.  The children even have a special song for you as you walk by.  Yo-vo, yo-vo! Bonjour, bonjour/ Ca va? Ca va.  Bien? Bien./ Merci. Merci.   I guess it's nice to feel special....EVERYDAY :)    Katie

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