Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Good Things Happen in Ouagadougou

Yes, we have arrived safely in Coutonou, Benin!  Had a nice stop-over in Berkina Faso in a town called Ouagadougou. To our surprise we discovered that the nice young French people sitting behind us were also need-greaters headed to Benin! We were so excited and encouraged to see others that are sharing in the harvest work. Hopefully we will preach with them in their assignments in Coutonou and Lakossa.  Notice how we left ourselves out of the photo with our new friends.  We must get some beauty rest before posting anymore pictures of ourselves :).

1 comment:

  1. Whoo-Hoo!! love you blog so far. Stayfi says hi to you and she misses you already! (especially now that she knows that you are gone!:)
    Can't wait to read all you updates in the future!
    bisous bisous
