Saturday, December 17, 2011

Local Fair

We are slowly getting acquanted with life here in Porto Novo. I am far from being a local, or as they say, Porto Novian.... but... I am finding my way around. Today Rebecca and I tried a local fruit that we found quite interesting. Here you see us "eating "it. I quote eating because consuming this fruit actually entails sucking out the pits and digesting the meat of the fruit around the pit. It isn't at all dignified, and the fruit inside is thick like glue. So for the rest of the day you are scraping a gooey substance off your lips. I have found several "restaurants" here in Porto Novo. My roomate Marielle and I were here enjoying this meal together. It's a pate of corn and fried fish, onions and of course...... pimante (ground up spicy peppers including their form of hobenaro)! I skipped the pimante because as most everyone knows I don't get along with pimante. I usually bring my own dish and spoon in service, and have a nice lunch break. Our lunch this day cost us $0.40. Wheww!! Expensive!
lunch break
sticky fruit

I have preached with several Nigerians here. They sell all the electronics on the main boulevard. Most say that my English is too big for them. I communicate with many of the Nigerians in French, because our English is so different, they don't always understand me. We have a couple in our congregation that I have no problem communicating with, but they are the exception. I am trying to learn their lingo so I can preach with them.  Add this to trying to speak French and I have my hands full with languages!
posted by Katie

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