Monday, February 13, 2012

Up On the Roof

At the highest point, overlooking the city

Rebecca and I have formed somewhat of a habit at the very end of our day. We are usually extremely hot. At these moments I know without a doubt that global warming is not a myth. The walls of our room seem to be eminating heat and suffocating us. At this time I know I need to be outside. The rooftop of our apartment building offers a solution to these numerous problems, and we escape there most nights about 9 pm. We sit on the highest point and sip something cold and look at the city. The cool breeze is a nice reminder of home. This is my favorite way to look at Porto Novo. I love watching the activity, without actually being a part of it.
We enjoy watching the comings and goings of the police station situated adjacent to us. They must all be friends because they walk around hand in hand with their guns bumping against their friends gun. I don't know that I will ever get used to this custom of holding hands with your friends, but they obviously don't feel that it detracts from their masculinity at all.
There is a taylor who owns a shop below our apartment, Ahmed. We usually see him come out and say his Muslim prayers (along with half of our neighbors), every evening. He pulls his prayer mat out, and bows to the East and washes his feet. We have seen him pour a whole bucket of water over himself in the middle of the street, but we are assuming that he is washing up, not praying.
This is also a common time for the electricity to be shut off for the whole city. Benin buys it's electricity from Togo, and they don't always pay the bill. Togo retaliates by shutting off the electricity of the capitol now and then. I am not sure what lesson I am supposed to be learning since WE paid our electric bill! Anyway, when the lights go out, the city gets earily still and quiet.
Sunday night has been deemed Sunday Chicken Night. After our meeting we walk about half a kilometer to man who grills chicken on the sidewalk. We buy about a dollar's worth of chicken, and head up to our rooftop and dine in the fresh air. There isn't a better seat in Porto Novo.
There is an electronic store across the way, and occasionally a group of 20 young men will be grouped around one of the televisions, when there is a soccer match on. We don't need to watch the match to know what is happening. We can hear the shouting from our little isolated spot and can determine the outcome from the bruit coming from across the street. They favor Manchester United here.
Not having television we have to find ways to entertain ourselves, and the rooftop is definitely a better replacement :).

posted by Katie
Facing South on our roof.  You can look closely and spot on of the mosquees that awakes us at 4 am

Stairwell to the our roof

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie,
    Dave and I have just gotten home from Mozambique. How we loved Africa!!! Can't wait to go back.
    Thanks for the pictures and enjoy yourself.
