Saturday, February 25, 2012

The MisAdventures of Motorbikes

What Zim drivers do to recover from the stress of it all. . . He'll be off to see his chiropractor next week. 

"Bon assis" ;)
We feel the need to share some of our adventures on motorbikes, scooters, dirt bikes, and any other form of bike with a motor. Some of the people in our congregation own motorbikes or scooters, and drive them in our ministry work. If you are assigned with this person, you too, get to ride on the motorized vehicle. This of course gets you around faster, but at what cost? When you mount the bike behind your friend, you are putting your life into their hands. Granted some of these drivers are very good, but more of them are very bad. The scooters go slower so that is nice, but have far less power. When approaching a hill your prayers to Jehovah increase 10 fold for a miracle to be able to make it up to the top! Our frequently asked question is: “would you like us to get off the bike?“ We have become quite adept at knowing the right moment to vault off the back of the bike, and where to appropriately place our hands and feet in order to do so.
Our friends also don't like to be rude when we are riding with them, so they look back frequently to talk with us. This happened to Rebecca and one sister in our congregation. The sister didn't see a bush, and she ran right into it. Rebecca had already demounted off the back, thus she was able to help pull the bike down the trunk and help disentangle it. It is good to be prepared in all situations. This same person also ran into a kid earlier that month, with Rebecca on the back. I am happy to report that the kid is just fine, and didn’t find it strange at all to be sideswiped by a scooter.
It’s nice to know we won’t have high standards to live up to if we decide to drive a moto here.
Posted by Katie and Rebecca

Taking due precautions!
"Look mom! No hands!" :p

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