Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Our private party followed by a Nigerian one

After our precious moments together crammed into the front seat of a celica we arrived in Ouidah, a well known(as well known as anything is in Benin) beach town. It has been a week of deep relaxation ("Bon repos").  
We arrived at Hotel Djegba only after taking a 'Zim' or moto taxi 5 km through a sandy offroad trail. This was a bit scary in and of itself, but carrying our full over sized backpacks while straddling a stranger made it a true adventure. With every acceleration we were sure we were going to topple right off the back... well at least we would have landed on sand. ;) We decided to call Ouidah our private party because we were the sole occupants of the bungalows at Hotel Djegba. This was really great way to start off our vacation, we revelled in the fact that we didn't have to listen to Muslims chants or voodoo parites for the first time in 2.5 months.
After 3 days at our private beach we migrated down the coast towards the Togolese border to a town called, Grand Popo. We stayed at a nice hotel right on the beach. Saturday arrived and along with it our 'Nigerian pary'. Three couples had made the arduous voyage from Nigeria bethel all the way to Benin. We spent our weekend with a couple from Portland Oregon that Rebecca knows and two others from Ireland and Ohio. They were happy to escape "Africa on steroids" for a week. Much fun was had as we discovered new local restaurants and played like kids on the beach. 
Now we've returned back to our 'home' of Porto Novo recharged and glad to be reunited with our muslims chants and voodoo parties! 

The bungalow we stayed in at Ouidah. 

Enjoying the peace and quiet of our private beach.

"Where is everybody?" 

In Grand Popo at a local restaurant. (half of our Nigerian party) 

The 'belle' half of the Nigerian party ;)

posted by Katie and Rebecca

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