Monday, March 19, 2012

Trekking the Himalayas With Our Six Indian Brothers

Well it turns out the size of our trekking group was two; Us. However two foreigners going up into the Himalayas requires at least 6 local Indians; four to carry our camping stuff, one to cook for us, and one to guide us. Don't worry, we did carry ourselves up the mountain. 
We began our trek with a 6 hr OMG (oh my goodness) jeep ride through some very curvy mountains. Finally we arrived at a town called Uttarkashi, the home of our local mountain guide, Rajveer. The next day we began our trek, passing through little villages where we saw the locals cultivating their mountainous terrain and and herding their livestock through the ravines. We even passed our guides father on our way up as he was making his daily commute from Agoda to Sanga Chatti (the "bigger" village). We made camp that night where we promptly put on every garment that we possessed, as we were now at 7000 ft elevation and certainly nowhere near the equator. It was at this point that we started questioning the sanity of traveling from the heat of Africa to the heights of the Himalayas. 
The next day we felt acclimatized and continued our ascent where we passed apes jumping from the tree tops and saw soaring eagles landing in their nests. The air was filled with songs of birds. We arrived at a seasonal village that is only occupied in the summer by cattle grazers. Now we were at 9500 ft and the view was truly breathtaking as we were surrounded from every direction by snow peaked mountains. 
The next morning we woke up to a surprise, an early summer snow. So much for our fine efforst at acclimatizing! We quickly found ourselves in our Sherpa's hut, huddled by their fire, discussing our new plans for the day. The snow made it impossible for our porters to move camp to our next destination. So with our day packs, our guide and two others we hike to and from our next campsite of Dodital; a still frozen lake nestled beneath 2 mountain peaks. We learned that we were the first trekkers to hike there for the year 2012.

Although the snow changed some of our plans, with the help of our 6 Indian brothers the snow quickly turned into a playground. The next day we hiked about 2 miles up the mountain behind us and used it as a sledding hill, a place to perform snow acrobats and to have many a snowball fights. It felt like we were 12 again playing with our own brothers. That evening we shared a campfire and learned about their cultural and religious beliefs. We also learned a new way to play gin rummy, ( a form we still don't quite understand and never ever won. ;)
We are grateful to have had this opportunity to witness the awe-inspiring beauty of the Himalayan range and to have had the unique experience of befriending our guides, learning more about the northern Indian culture and seeing the natural way they live in these mountains. 

Farming that defies gravity

Our awesome Mahindra. 

Porters in the making!
Now that's an eagle!

Nursing mommy

Part of the beautiful Himalayan range. Where we camped for 3 days.

Braving over 3 feet of snow on our way to Dodital.

We arrived at Dodital. Too bad we didn't bring our ice skates!

Sledding with no sled...


Well our voyaging is coming to a close. It's been fun sharing our experiences with you from BenIndia!
See ya soon!

Katie and Rebecca

Thursday, March 8, 2012

So Long, Farewell, Au Revoir, Goodbye

We said goodbye to Benin yesterday. It all felt a little surreal. It seems the 3 month mark is when you've actually got some things figured out. Good thing we left just after this discovery.
Our last week was filled with memorable highlights. The congregation suddenly realized we were leaving and felt the need to feed us for our long journey. Many a night was spent dining at a brother or sisters house, and even joined in one familie's worship night. The family study extended until 10 pm. It had the hopes of lasting longer, but Katie being the shy, patient person she is spoke up and said she was ready to eat. Hats off to their kids who were ready to continue past 10 pm, as is their usual habit.
We also had a small dinner party at our apartment. We tried to cook as close to the African cuisine as possible. As much as they appreciated our hospitality, several Africans were spied putting their food onto their friends plate. One young brother who is not picky, ended up eating 3 peoples' meals. We asked him if he like it, and reluctantly he gave his honest answer. Fortunately , this difference in taste did not inhibit us from enjoying the evening.
The grande finale of our 3 month stay was the Saturday before we left. Our congregation rented a very posh garden called les jardin des plantes to throw us a going away party. The evening include a schedule of events: More food than could be eaten, professinal pictures with every variation possible (smile), and the big moment of presenting our gifts. The other surprise was that we had to make a speech, which of course brought no end of joy to the both of us (and when I say joy, I mean heart palpatations). Many words of encouragement were exchanged and the love of the Oganla congregation was truly felt. Our time here in Benin has only strengthened our appreciation for the vastness of our spiritual family. It's amazing to have traveled so far, and yet felt so personally cared for and loved.

.....Off to Recreate in India
 Rebecca and Katie

Au revoir

Monday, March 5, 2012

"Bon Peaking"

Check out these kids! It seems as if these little ones are destined for espionage, for the are experts at spying! ;) While not wanting to be seen they are compelled by a deep curiosity and carefully find their place to peak. Some after peering at us for a few moments are moved to run out and touch us and perhaps bless us with the lovely "Yovo" song, while others are quickly moved to tears. It takes a special person to make a two year old cry by just standing in front of them. Their mother always seem to think this is funny though, so we're safe there. ;)

Despite their love for singing that little annoying song that we hear ALL day and EVERYDAY and their undying curiosity to spy and follow us, we've really fallen in love with these children. Everyday when returning home we are greeted with 3 big hugs from the young girls that live in the same apartment complex as us. (We might be bribing them with cookies. ;) Either way it is a wonderful way to be welcomed home! Children here are incredibly hard workers. It is not uncommon to buy your food at the market from a 10 year old or to see them dutifully performing their chores at home or more commonly helping out at the family shop. Most are very respectful and even do a little bow when shaking your hand. And as you can (partially ;) see by these pictures, they're very beautiful.

What we've been the most impressed with though is their amazing appetite to learn about the Bible. It's not uncommon to be out in service and be quickly surrounded by 10 kids after only beginning to talk with one. We have a few cherished group studies that are with young ones. They take their study so seriously and they are excellent students. One family of 4 young boys and one girl has already read the entire book of Bible stories and the Listen to the Great Teacher book since we've been here.

We are sad to leave them, but know that we've left these young ones in the hands of those who will take good care of them. 


Saturday, February 25, 2012

The MisAdventures of Motorbikes

What Zim drivers do to recover from the stress of it all. . . He'll be off to see his chiropractor next week. 

"Bon assis" ;)
We feel the need to share some of our adventures on motorbikes, scooters, dirt bikes, and any other form of bike with a motor. Some of the people in our congregation own motorbikes or scooters, and drive them in our ministry work. If you are assigned with this person, you too, get to ride on the motorized vehicle. This of course gets you around faster, but at what cost? When you mount the bike behind your friend, you are putting your life into their hands. Granted some of these drivers are very good, but more of them are very bad. The scooters go slower so that is nice, but have far less power. When approaching a hill your prayers to Jehovah increase 10 fold for a miracle to be able to make it up to the top! Our frequently asked question is: “would you like us to get off the bike?“ We have become quite adept at knowing the right moment to vault off the back of the bike, and where to appropriately place our hands and feet in order to do so.
Our friends also don't like to be rude when we are riding with them, so they look back frequently to talk with us. This happened to Rebecca and one sister in our congregation. The sister didn't see a bush, and she ran right into it. Rebecca had already demounted off the back, thus she was able to help pull the bike down the trunk and help disentangle it. It is good to be prepared in all situations. This same person also ran into a kid earlier that month, with Rebecca on the back. I am happy to report that the kid is just fine, and didn’t find it strange at all to be sideswiped by a scooter.
It’s nice to know we won’t have high standards to live up to if we decide to drive a moto here.
Posted by Katie and Rebecca

Taking due precautions!
"Look mom! No hands!" :p

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Our private party followed by a Nigerian one

After our precious moments together crammed into the front seat of a celica we arrived in Ouidah, a well known(as well known as anything is in Benin) beach town. It has been a week of deep relaxation ("Bon repos").  
We arrived at Hotel Djegba only after taking a 'Zim' or moto taxi 5 km through a sandy offroad trail. This was a bit scary in and of itself, but carrying our full over sized backpacks while straddling a stranger made it a true adventure. With every acceleration we were sure we were going to topple right off the back... well at least we would have landed on sand. ;) We decided to call Ouidah our private party because we were the sole occupants of the bungalows at Hotel Djegba. This was really great way to start off our vacation, we revelled in the fact that we didn't have to listen to Muslims chants or voodoo parites for the first time in 2.5 months.
After 3 days at our private beach we migrated down the coast towards the Togolese border to a town called, Grand Popo. We stayed at a nice hotel right on the beach. Saturday arrived and along with it our 'Nigerian pary'. Three couples had made the arduous voyage from Nigeria bethel all the way to Benin. We spent our weekend with a couple from Portland Oregon that Rebecca knows and two others from Ireland and Ohio. They were happy to escape "Africa on steroids" for a week. Much fun was had as we discovered new local restaurants and played like kids on the beach. 
Now we've returned back to our 'home' of Porto Novo recharged and glad to be reunited with our muslims chants and voodoo parties! 

The bungalow we stayed in at Ouidah. 

Enjoying the peace and quiet of our private beach.

"Where is everybody?" 

In Grand Popo at a local restaurant. (half of our Nigerian party) 

The 'belle' half of the Nigerian party ;)

posted by Katie and Rebecca

Friday, February 17, 2012

Benin Bethel

We visited the Bethel this week, located in Calavi. We were warmly greeted at the gate and asked if we were Katie and Rebecca. We had taken a bus that morning to Coutonou, where we were jammed in the backseat with our oversized backpacks. In Coutonou we caught a taxi to Calavi. We shared the front seat of a Toyota Corolla for an hour. Our friendship has gone to a whole new level. When we arrived our appearance was more than slightly disheveled, thankfully we could use the bathroom. We noted the sign hung in the bathroom with clear users instructions, and followed them to the letter (note the picture). We were sure not to do any of the things "interdit" (forbidden), like standing on the toilet bowl. We had made it this far in life not knowing these toilet options existed, and now were tempted to try them out. We resisted the temptation, and met the sister for our Bethel tour.
Our tour was very nice. We were expecting it to be very short, but we met so many people, and visited with everyone, so it took 2 hours. We were shown to our room and then went to lunch. The lunch was very good, but the company was better. We sat with a couple who have been serving in Africa for over 40 years. We talked like we had known each other for years, not minutes. We met a very nice couple who are serving in Nigeria. They are International Servants from Germany. The husband, Thomas shared a treasured tidbit of knowledge with us. He informed us that here in Africa you can slap someone on the back and then be thanked for your efforts. In fact, the harder the slap, the more gratitude you receive We were incredulous to this and told him he was joking. With a wide grin he told us his wife hadn't believed him either, but he had demonstrated for her by slapping a brother on the back at a meeting. The slapped brother immedietely turned around and said "merci". We were very curious to know why someone would be thanked after slapping another person. Well, the insects here are so determined and numerous, the slapped person thinks that you are getting rid of a fly or mosquito. We are eager to try this out. Hopefully we won't get slapped back.
That evening we attended the Bethel family study. We were informed about 30 minutes before the study, that the whole Bethel family, including guests, is allowed to answer. This gave us some trepedation, but it turned out quite nice. After the study we had been invited to our friend Gerard's room, along with a couple from lunch (Pall and Vita), who are originally from Denmark We had wine and little snacks that Gerard had made. These brothers carry so much responsibility, yet are some of the most gracious, down to earth, and humble people you will meet. We are grateful to be part of an organization that encourages humility and hospitality, and hope to continue to be shaped by these qualities.

Bon Toilet

Gate to Bethel

Pall ,Vita, Us, and Gerard
We departed the next morning. Our stay was short, yet sweet. The brothers deposited us at our next taxi station to go to Ouidah. Oh boy, we get to share the front seat again, but it's a Celica this time!
posted by Rebecca and Katie

Monday, February 13, 2012

Up On the Roof

At the highest point, overlooking the city

Rebecca and I have formed somewhat of a habit at the very end of our day. We are usually extremely hot. At these moments I know without a doubt that global warming is not a myth. The walls of our room seem to be eminating heat and suffocating us. At this time I know I need to be outside. The rooftop of our apartment building offers a solution to these numerous problems, and we escape there most nights about 9 pm. We sit on the highest point and sip something cold and look at the city. The cool breeze is a nice reminder of home. This is my favorite way to look at Porto Novo. I love watching the activity, without actually being a part of it.
We enjoy watching the comings and goings of the police station situated adjacent to us. They must all be friends because they walk around hand in hand with their guns bumping against their friends gun. I don't know that I will ever get used to this custom of holding hands with your friends, but they obviously don't feel that it detracts from their masculinity at all.
There is a taylor who owns a shop below our apartment, Ahmed. We usually see him come out and say his Muslim prayers (along with half of our neighbors), every evening. He pulls his prayer mat out, and bows to the East and washes his feet. We have seen him pour a whole bucket of water over himself in the middle of the street, but we are assuming that he is washing up, not praying.
This is also a common time for the electricity to be shut off for the whole city. Benin buys it's electricity from Togo, and they don't always pay the bill. Togo retaliates by shutting off the electricity of the capitol now and then. I am not sure what lesson I am supposed to be learning since WE paid our electric bill! Anyway, when the lights go out, the city gets earily still and quiet.
Sunday night has been deemed Sunday Chicken Night. After our meeting we walk about half a kilometer to man who grills chicken on the sidewalk. We buy about a dollar's worth of chicken, and head up to our rooftop and dine in the fresh air. There isn't a better seat in Porto Novo.
There is an electronic store across the way, and occasionally a group of 20 young men will be grouped around one of the televisions, when there is a soccer match on. We don't need to watch the match to know what is happening. We can hear the shouting from our little isolated spot and can determine the outcome from the bruit coming from across the street. They favor Manchester United here.
Not having television we have to find ways to entertain ourselves, and the rooftop is definitely a better replacement :).

posted by Katie
Facing South on our roof.  You can look closely and spot on of the mosquees that awakes us at 4 am

Stairwell to the our roof

Monday, February 6, 2012

May I use your bathroom?

French & African faux pas...  
This has been a great source of entertainment for us while we've been here. Let us regal you with some of the things we've said that have caused confusion and better yet other things that we've heard that have only increased our confusion.
May I use your bathroom is a wonderfully polite way to ask to.... well you know... "Do your business". But, here if you ask for the Salle de Bain(bathroom) the Beninoise while being confused hospitably take you to their shower. Quickly we have learned to ask simply for the toilet. However, this requires further questioning on their part. For example, "Do you have to 'uriner' or make 'kaka'? After two months we have resigned ourselves to telling our host just exactly what our 'business' is. This has made our life easier yet less private...
When we first arrived to Benin people kept asking us 'Have you done a little' or "Tu as fait un peu?" We wanted to tell them that we had preached allll day in the hot African sun. We didn't do a little! We did a lot!! We've now come to realize it just means, 'You've had a full day.'  Now we just say, 'Yeah we've done a little.' 
We're also quite amused with the beginning and end of our meetings here. Everyone greets each other by walking up, shaking your hand and saying 'Bonsoir'/'Goodevening' and then at the end of the meeting the same tradition is replayed only they add, 'Bon fin de la reunion.' Which literally means 'Good end of the meeting.' Now at the end of a meeting we'll probably find ourselves walking up to you, shaking your hand and saying, "Good end of the meeting." For this has become quite a habit for us. In fact, they preface 'Bon' with just about any activity you're doing here. For example yesterday we were sitting, waiting for one of our Bible studies when her husband walked by us and told us, "Bon assis." Which means 'Good sitting'. We appreciated his words of encouragement while we performed this difficult task. While walking down the street we'll be told 'Bon arriver' which is a nice way of welcoming someone when they arrive, however we're often still en route... Then there's 'Bon travail', 'Good work'... 'Bon courage', 'Good courage' or 'Bon continuation', 'Good continuing'. 'Bon retour'. 'Good return' when returning home. Everything is good, good and good here!
The Nigerians who speak English but sometimes take from French, greet us by saying, 'You are welcome' in a deep serious tone. This always makes us wonder what in the world they did for us. But, it's just their way of welcoming us. 
We're constantly being reminded that learning a new language requires much more then a new vocabulary and it sometimes means revealing exactly what will happen in the 'Salle de bain.'
Bon peaking

Bon head balancing while writing down a new return visit. ;)

"You are welcome." This is where we live in Porto Novo, Benin.

Bon smile

Bon peaking again... I'm not the only one who peaks here. 

Bon courage! Here's the lieu. You might notice it is certainly Not a Salle de Bain.

Katie and Rebecca

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Do You Know the Way to Parakou....

Rebecca and I bouged ( that is Franglish for traveled) in Benin this past week. And really I must say that you have not lived until you've experienced an African bus. We first traveled from Porto Novo to Abomey, to stay with the missionaries there. Abomey is about a 3 hour drive north of here. I was privileged enough to find a seat that the back quarter of it was missing. Let me tell you it is quite the gift to keep yourself balanced on 3/4 of a seat while riding down a road in Benin. My talents prevailed and I stayed on the seat the whole time. We arrived in Abomey and had to hire zim drivers to take us the 7 kms to the missionary homes. After

Our Gourmet lunch with the missionaries
 we had argued over a 40 cent difference in price for about 20 minutes we hopped on the back of the motor bike with all our luggage. You can imagine how wonderful we must have looked when we arrived at the missionary home. My guess is we resembled homeless people. The missionaries acted like we looked just fine, and hugged us and welcomed us, with a fantastic gourmet meal. We attended the family study that night and felt like we too were part of their family.
The next morning we went with a young missionary couple from Quebec in their territory. They preach in the local language of Fon. They pick up a local brother with their car every morning. This brother is unable to walk due to a debilitating disease, but he is a full time volunteer, pioneer. Eric, the young missionary carries him to the car and out of the car. He sets him up along side the street and lays out all of his literature and the brother preaches to everyone passing by. Rebecca and I were truly humbled by this brother. What strong love and faith he must have in Jehovah.
We stayed at the missionary home for 2 1/2 days and then boarded another bus for what was supposed to be a 3 1/2 hour ride to Parakou. Our bus was having difficulty and broke down along the way. Our very resourcful chauffeur fixed it and we were off again. We arrived 5 hours later, and we might have looked a little worse than when we arrived in Abomey. Once again, our friend that we were staying with, Aurelie, welcomed us with open arms into her home. She is a French sister who has been doing missionary work here for 6 years. She definitely marches to her own drum! We enjoyed staying with her and getting to know her. She has a motorbike that she zips around town on, and everyone in Parakou seems to know her. All we had to do was say we were staying with Aurelie, and people immedietely liked us! We went preaching with the Parakou French congregation., and really enjoyed meeting the local brothers and sisters.
We ate the local specialty of igname pile. It is manniock root beet with these huge rounded sticks. They fry cheese and mutton in a peanut sauce and serve it all together. It is quite tasty, if I say so myself (even though I had to skip the cheese). Needless to say we left Parakou with a good taste in our mouth from the food and association. Our trip home was completely uneventful, thankfully, and we arrived back at home sweet, home, Porto Novo.
posted by Katie

Eric setting up for preaching with special needs brother

Derek, a missionary in Abomey with his "car group" or should I say "bike group"

Kingdom hall in Parakou

Need Greaters from around the world

This "Happy Family" was outside a poissonerie.  They do seem happy riding around together!