Friday, January 13, 2012

What's On Your Head

Rebecca and I continue to be amazed about what African people can put on their head! I thought I had seen it all on my previous trips to Africa, but no sir, I haven't. The girl with the chickens on her head astounded me because she has to balance live, squirming chickens (and I saw one duck), AND walk around the busy market, AND come over to whoever calls her to buy these said chickens (and one duck)! I personally can't eat without making a mess, so of course, I see this head carrying thing as quite the talent. In honor of this marvelous talent, Rebecca and I give the head balancing a try. We are starting small and working our way up to the chickens. A lot can be accomplished in 2 months time....
We are also amazed (and terrified) of what gets transported on the zims. Here they sell these long poles that are used for scaffolding and supports, but have the same appearance as the pole used for vaulting in the Olympics. A man wll buy 3 or 4 of these and get on a zim. So the wooden pole extends beyond the zim about 5 feet, and behind nearlyy 10 feet. I am not joking! These pole vaulters then drive around on the streets with the poles balanced on their heads. Of course traffic here is complete mayhem and chaos. I live in constant dread of being pierced through. I have this persistant feeling of being in a knight's tournament with those "javelins" coming at me, and I have no shield. Prayers to Jehovah have become more frequent during zim transport. .
While I am terrified of the Beninoise ability to carry poles around on a zim; I am impressed and humbled by their willingness to accomodate. This is especially seen with the brothers and sisters. There is nothing that is an inconvenience. They can never do too much to help. I find myself sadly lacking in these qualities (being the scheduled, clock watching person that I am), and am endeavoring to watch and ithen mitate this beautiful feature while I am here.
posted by Katie

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