Thursday, January 26, 2012

"Cou Cou Cou" - Africa's knocking

The service here is quite amazing. We are constantly finding ourselves returning home on cloud nine from a day of service. The Beninoise have really impressed us with their interest and respect for the Bible.
Today we were walking to a return visit when a young girl came running out towards us and asked if were Jehovah's Witnesses. She told us we had to come in and visit them to talk to them about the Bible. At the same time four other young girls came running out hugging our legs and grabbing our hands. These young girls were begging us to have a Bible study with them! We told them that we had an appointment with someone else but we would return when we were done. (we had already passed 7 hours in service and were dying to go home but how could we refuse!? ;) When we returned, there were at least 10 young children (their pictures are below) eager to have a Bible lesson. One had already recieved a Listen to God brochure the previous Thursday and had it with her. So we gave them one more to share and the study began. They all huddled around us sharing our Bibles and looking at the brochures. They were loving every minute of it. Of course I felt the need to capture the kodak moment and thus distracted half the kids with my camera. ;D But, oh well we had fun and we'll be back soon to see them again and bring them a few more brochures. 
We've been really impressed with how serious many take their studies. Last week we were at the great grandmother's house for our study with her family. Her great grandchildren were there, but she explained that her son was at a ceremony for a family member who had passed away so we easily understood why he wasn't there. (These ceremonies are all day long really big 'events'.) However just a few minutes after 11 he walked in for our study. He told us that he had noted the time and realized that we would be coming for their study and he wanted to be there for it. We were so encouraged to see his appreciation!
There are of course more unique cases of showing respect for a Bible study. Take for example a young man we study with. We had had our second study with Laurice in a little sowing shop of his friend. His friend (whom we'll call Napolean) overheard the appointment we made with Laurice for Saturday at 1. We arrived right at 1 for our study and checked in with Mr. N at his sowing shop to see if Laurice was there. He wasn't but Napolean took charge and told us to follow him. He entered the quater of Laurice and marched right to his door which was closed and locked. He immediately started banging and yelling at Laurice's door! This was a man quite intent on making his friend keep his appointment!! The banging and the yelling wasn't working,(as Laurice was still sleeping;) so he resorted to picking his lock with a rock! :o We assured Mr. N that we understood if this wasn't a good time for Laurice and that we could just come back later, but Napolean was having none of it. Laurice was going to study with us whether he liked it or not! Once the door had been unlocked and opened the dragging began. Napolean proceeded to grab one of Laurice's legs and physically remove him out of his room. Once Laurice was on two feet he was commanded to get chairs for us and have his study! Laurice did as he was told and sat down to study with as if nothing had happened. Katie and I on the other hand were just trying to keep our composure so we could keep our end of the bargain and have our greatly anticipated study! ;p    --- (Napolean has absolutely no interest in a Bible study. He only expresses a desire for an American wife ;)

Well that's all for now. Hope this wasn't too long of blog this time. :)
Helping a study find a scripture. 
Katie diligently making use of the new brochure.

Rebecca diligently distracting all the 'enfants'

Meeting for service in front of a local college.

"Break time!" :)

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